Wednesday, February 6, 2008

All This Bad Stuff

I realize this isn't the healthy way of doing things. Right now I should be exclaiming all the positive in my life, but "that ain't gonna happen!" You are lucky enough to read a list of things I am tired of in my life right now (and others):

1)Middle school kids coming to my elementary school to fight. Sometimes the elementary kids themselves? What does that prove?

2)People with no clue telling me how to do my job.

3) My boss' boss trying to blame everything on her instead of taking the heat like a man and standing up for a decision he and his other "people" made for her.

4)Kids doing the wrong things and just staring at me when I tell them to stop like I mean nothing to them because....I do mean absolutely nothing to them.

5)Kids consumed with bullying other kids. Just flat out meanness.

6)The impending economic demise of our country. Not to mention the current problems (i.e. gas prices, weakness of the dollar, unemployment etc)

7) The closed mindedness of people in this country and the results of their closed minded votes. (i.e. banning gays from marriage without giving religions the choice themselves to recognize it or not and the concealed weapon law here in Ohio)

8)Lack of legal funding for our schools.

9)Teaching overcrowded classrooms and losing support staff.

10) Being held accountable for someone else's results and being vulnerable to their mood or disposition on a given day.

11)Busting my butt all day at work just to come home and realize how lazy I really am.

12)Feeling like I've done everything wrong in one of hte most important roles in my life....fatherhood.

13)Dealing with school districts that won't cooperate in giving my daughter the attention she needs. And wondering how parents of kids with same needs get what they need for their kids knowing even less than I do.

14)This weather and time of year.

15) The Jackets can't seem to get their stinking rear ends in the playoffs.

16) Drew Gooden now joining Andy and Sasha on the injured list.

17)Nobody reading my blogs.

This is the tip of the iceberg, I just have to go to work.


comoprozac said...

Geesh! At least you don't live in Misery.

1) They're middle school kids. What do you expect?

2) Everybody's a backseat driver. I'm sure you've never mouthed off about a questionable decision made by one of your team's coaches.

3) That's how some people get into power. They make all the decisions and take none of the heat.

4) Those kids have problems that have nothing to do with middle-class, white man, you.

5) Kids bully b/c they feel helpless in their own lives. Look at Nelson.

6) People are saying that it might not be a recession. Besides, there will be a change in the White House soon.

7) My bet is that the Supreme Court will find these laws un-Constitutional w/in the next five years.

8) That should change with the new Dems in office in Ohio.

9) This is the neverending story in public education. Get out of the classroom and be an admin.

10) Again, it's how it's always gonna be. Be patient. A change is coming.

11) You're probably "lazy" b/c you're beat from busting your ass.

12) Dude, come on. You're a fine father and that girl has a lot of adults that care for her. Besides, look at what you're doing in #13.

13) Call a lawyer and tell them you're doing so. That will get their attention.

14) Hello. It's February in Ohio. What do you expect? You could live in North Dakota.

15) Who cares? It's Hockey.

16) They still beat the Celtics last night. The Celtics.

17) I'm reading it. You have to read others' blogs and leave comments.

Now, are you done with your pitty party?

Huey said...

Thanks for the shot or reality zac. All of your points are well taken. You should meet my wife. She'd comment the same stuff the same way.

comoprozac said...

She hates hockey as well?

Unknown said...

For the record, I read (and enjoy) all of your blogs.

Jenn said...

I believe we're exactly where we need to be today. We can only do so much and to expect that we can do more than our share is our ego talking. I truy and do something each day - just one thing each day that either makes me a better person or makes the world a better place (which is really the same thing). We have a tendency to beat ourselves up for being human. I can be the queen of self-pity, and it gets me nowhere. I try and ask myself what I have control over and what am I willing to do. I vote, and I give money where I feel it's right. I speak out for causes I believe in and am willing to help educate others about issues like education, the environment, gay rights, etc. That's what I'm willing to do for today. We're just spokes in the wheel of the universe, John. We have our place and others have theirs.

If you give us a way to subscribe to your blog, you'll get more people reading it. Otherwise, I don't know when you've updated it :)

The fact that you're blogging about this shows that you're a man of action. Hang in there!

Huey said...

zac- yeah hockey. and the pity party comment.

Doug- I didn't realize you were still reading them. Sweet! Hope to hear your opinion in between your grad studies and band practice and the twins. I mean, its not like you have much else to do other than comment on my random thoughts. I need some more sports blogs.

Jenn- you have really bought into "being where you should be" feeling and that is fantastic. I cannot seem to rid myself of the need to express my frustrations. I'm trying though. I'm kind of hoping this blog will help me steer in the direction of focusing on the postives and the here and now. No dwelling on the past. No "fear" of the future.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't misunderstand me - it's good to talk about your frustratins. If I don't talk about things, I don't allow myself to hear things like "you're exactly where you're supposed to be." We call it living life out loud, and when I do that, it's a better life :) Vicki reminded me that humility comes from the word humas (or something like that) which means teachable. keep on truckin' man!! :)