Thursday, March 6, 2008

As I watch the Cavs...

This post is being written during the Cavs vs. Bulls game 3/6/08. Currently the game is in the 4th quarter and the Cavs are down 7. I thought it would be interesting to record my thoughts and feelings as they happen to see how my opinion changes based on the flow of the game. I cannot count how many times I will think the Cavs are awesome and unstoppable and then later on in the same game I feel they suck and are doomed. I realize this is completely irrational and illogical but I feel 100% percent sincere in both cases. For the record, this does not count the times I force myself to be pessimistic to fight the karma.

Well, in the time I inserted that link back there, the Bulls went on yet another big run to eliminate the Cavs push back into the game and Chicago is now up 18. There is only 6 minutes or so left. Right now I am feeling very negative. It has been extremely frustrating this half watching the Bulls go on these runs, sometimes double digits (17-0 at one point). It seems like we fight and scratch and kick to get the lead back under 10 and they immediately answer with a 3 or offensive rebound and more second chance points after we held them for 20 seconds of the 24 second clock.

I was getting very excited when Damon Jones hit the 3 with a foul and actually converted the free throw. Make the deficit 20 now. Worst of the game. LeBron has had a great game...again after dropping half a c-note on NY last night. Bulls just hit another three at the shot clock buzzer. This is absolutely ridiculous. Back to the point, LeBron is having another game possibly droppping 40+ before it's over tonight. But I am not thinking about the post I was going to write tonight about how lucky we are to have this phenomenon we call The King on our team in Cleveland and how nathan iv is 1000000% correct when he routinely states the LeBron is the beginning and the end of this team, the alph and the omega. And can Wally hit a stinking shot for once!!!!! Come on!!!! I mean seriously...the wine and gold is kryptonite for shooters not named James or Price. Geez!
Again, back to the point despite my intentional meandering tonight. You all are witnessing part of what goes on in my mind each night I watch my beloved Cavaliers. I am concerned James' success is causing the team to go into "watch LeBron " mode once again and quickly end up in a rut. It seemed like he was forcing long shots early in the shot clock. I hate that. Soon after he was making an obvious effort to drive to the hoop and was successful. That was encouraging (like Thad Matta's thinking in my other post), but I worry it will hurt more than help in the long term.

And why can't Wally make it through a bleepin' game without getting picked on by the refs? It seems he is getting shortchanged on and ones or getting called for bogus off the ball fouls. What is going on there? I don't blame him for that. Must be the luck of the wine and gold again. The game is 107-88 with 1:44 left. Done. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

This is a second of a road back to back. I can't fault the Cavs too much. I really was hoping for nice long win streak. We had a little string going there. I really want to reach the 50 win mark too. After tonight that means we can only lose 5 more games. That will not be easy. Look...the NBDL guys are getting minutes and hitting threes. Too little too late. Shannon Brown still playing like the Shannon Brown I remember in Cleveland. He turned it over and committed a foul in garbage minutes. Hey! Wally has 14 points. How in the world? Oh yeah and Brown has a hair cut. I wonder if he is still dunking Chicken McNuggets in Chicago now?

Ballgame. Not sure of the final because I quit looking at the tv. 107-96 I 'm guessing but does it matter? I just noticed Smith and Wallace joking with their former teammates in Chicago. I'm glad they are cool like that. Same with James talking to Hughes. I should be ticked they are not bothered by losing tonight, but in the greater scheme of things friendships are more important than a game right? I am in a more pleasant mood than normal. Maybe I need to blog during every game to help ease my hypertension from this mess. Basketball maybe, but football would only result in me throwing this laptop through the window behind me.

Well, there you have it. My mind during a blowout I was hoping would be a comeback. Hope you enjoyed it and made it through the whole post.


Anonymous said...

Hey John.. I sent this via email before.. I may as well post it on your page..

LeBron is the Cavs biggest asset, as well as their biggest potential liability. If something happens to Lebron (injury or foul trouble), the cavs are finished.. 95% of the plays the cavs have in their book, center around James. I’m not saying the cavs won’t win a championship, but they will have a tough time making it past the conference and League finals… I know Lebron can carry the team in a best of seven series.. but what about three of them in a row.. can he maintain that through 14 or 21 high pressure games.. Look at the Spurs with three allstars on the team.. any one of them can have a bad game, and the other two will pick up the slack.. The thing that is really pissing me off about the cavs, is that Cleveland actually has the seeds of a dynasty on their hands.. But they need to get another allstar caliber player on the team.. They are blowing this opportunity.. And Lebron will be out the door if we don’t start winning championships.. He'd play for the Knicks in a second, given the chance. No one allstar can carry a team by themselves.. look at Shaq, Kobe, Robinson, Barkly. exept for maybe Wilt Chaberlen.. The combo of Jordan and Pippen is what did it for the bulls.. Hey I’m no sports expert and the Cavs can win the championship.. I’m just looking at the next level, a dynasty, and the Cavs are blowing that opportunity.

Unknown said...

Mike T, we tried to get Ray allen, we tried to get Michael Redd and Joe Johnson, we settled for Larry Hughes who seemed like he couldn't miss a shot last night. And neither could Luol Deng or Ben Gordon for that matter. We gave a great effort in the first half but it was gonna be tough with back-to-back road games. I don't even know what to say Huey John. The freakin bulls couldn't miss, and we'd have guys in position to rebound and the ball would bounce right into The bulls players hands. Mostly Joahkim Noah. Let's try to start another win streak. I want 50 too.

Huey said...

Mike T, I remember that email and I am fairly confident it was before the big trade. I know none of the guys we got are considered all star necessarily, but I am still holding out hope they are good. But you said it right. LeBron is the key. All our eggs are in one basket.

I really feel last night was a result of fatigue. The second half they just seemed out of gas. I think that led to just enough slowness to leave the Bulls open to make every shot as you were saying nathan iv. And get to every rebound. Chad an I talked about how gassed we are at the end of our Wednesday night games. We get really lazy and can't keep the intensity up, especially on defense and rebounding. That is with a week's rest. Granted we aren't in the same shape as these guys but I think the line of logic runs true.

No excuses, but that had to play a role. Man I hated seeing Hughes and Gooden drop 9 points in a row that one time. I am just bitter I guess but ugh.

I saw a quote on tv from Larry about his motivations. Didn't seem like winning a title was top of his list. That kinda makes me glad he is gone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I did write this before the trade..just to lazy to update the post..