Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Posiblog

In honor of positive affirmations and some song I just heard on the radio by some group, here is a list of things I can do:

I can blog about stuff that has at least 5-10 people coming back to read more..,

I can maintain friendships for many years with numerous different people from numerous different backgrounds and numerous points of view often different than my own....

I can finally learn when to use lie and lay (and sometimes avoid saying it wrong too!).....

I can work in a high stress work environment for a decade....

I can break up fights and make enemies friends...

I can do the "hard" level of Sudoku....

I can solve logic puzzles...

I can get unmotivated children to learn...

I can develop a strategy to find equivalent fractions for adding and subtracting that works for my students on my own....

I can figure out how to find E.R.A for a pitcher without looking up an equation for it...

I can play two Christmas songs on the piano....

I can give you the starting shortstops for the Cleveland Indians dating back 23 seasons....

I can also do that with starting QBs for the Cleveland Browns....

I can give you the starting lineups for every pro Cleveland sports team (except the Gladiators but I could give you two of the starters)....

I can raise a happy daughter despite a health disorder and learning disability...

I can amaze a woman so much that she can't resist proposing to me....

I can grow grass where there once was an obsessed gardener's garden.....

I can help fix up a house in one summer....

I can apologize....

I can see two sides to a story or problem...

I can figure out how many miles my car got from the last tank of gas....

I can do math in my head...

I can honor my grandmother at her funeral....

I can stand by my wife after a horrible tragedy....

I can get a room full of unruly children to be "ruly".....

I can raise test scores....

I can impress parents enough to invite me to their son's high school graduation...

I can feel the pride that goes with seeing a former student get their diploma...

I can earn a Master's Degree....

I can back up people's claims that I am smart...

I can relate to people....

I can learn to say "Heck No!" to that 10th shot (or so) of Jim Beam....and then never do another one again....

I can be an advisor to friends and colleagues....

I can be patient....

I can change a diaper....

I can fix boo boo's with a kiss....

I can potty train a kid....

I can get a kid to take nasty medicine easily twice a day...

I can change for a woman who makes me better....

I can learn from my mistakes....

I can keep book at my softball games...

I can start a softball team....

I can play shortstop for a team that wins a championship (maybe could would fit better there)....

Believe it or not, I can hit inside the park home runs....yes with an s......

I can swallow my pride and hit singles even though "chicks dig the long ball."....

I can act like I know what a 42 cork ball is (That one's for you Chris).....

I can make it to the championship in fantasy football....

I can help make a couch that is too big fit through a hallway that is too skinny and then in an elevator that is too small in order to get it to the 7th floor of my brother's family's apartment.....

I can start and run several football and basketball pools of varying types and levels of seriousness....

I can hang out with the nerds and jocks....

I can organize weekly tackle football games for those of us not athletic enough to make the team.....

I can compete in intra-murals or city league sports....

I can make people laugh....

I can text message with the best of them....

I can maintain a discussion on existentialism and ethics with a graduate philosophy student...

I can impress two of the most intelligent people I know...(Charles and Kathryn- FIVE college degrees between them)

I can hit a three to the roar of a middle school crowd even though the over-competitive security guards never passed me the ball...

I can earn my nickname: Silent Storm. I may not say alot on the court but when I shoot: I make it rain....

I can earn my "Ghetto Card" (Thanks Joiner)....

I can hustle my way through a Spades game....

I can look good in certain pants my wife picks out...

I can score over 9000 points in "pop pies"...

I can appreciate numerous genres of music and entertainment...

I can read numerous topics with sincere interest...

I can keep 10 year olds on the edge of their seat in suspense by just reading them a book....

I can begin a line of 5 or more people who make a pilgrimage to Columbus to attend The Ohio State University....

I can initiate at least one year of Phantom Band....

I can coordinate a trip to Las Vegas with 13 guys from all across the country for a mutual friend.....

I can draft a fantasy football team....

I can write a 20 page paper on my philosophy of education in one night and ace it...

I can teach my child to say her "please" and "thanks yous" as well as her "sorrys"....

I can carry on a tradition of tire throwing to a new generation of 85...

I can contribute to the common good...

I can do much more....

(For the Record: The song I referred to is called "Handlebars" by a group called Flobots.)


Anonymous said...

Mighty impressive, Mr. Huey, and an exercise to which we should ALL challenge ourselves! That said - I think it's a serious achievement that you can say ANYTHING after 10 (or so) shots of Jim Beam!

Huey said...

Yes, it was the next morning, errrrrrrrrrr.....afternoon before I could mouth those words. But they have stuck to this day over a decade later.

An experience I don't wish on my worst enemy and a lesson learned.

I highly recommend this little exercise to anyone and everyone. It felt good for the heart and soul to do.