Saturday, August 23, 2008

Education and My Vote

(I step to the podium)
"Eh hem. Thank you. Thank you very much. I am honored to be here today. I would like to formerly announce my vote for the upcoming 2008 Presidential Election. After careful consideration and attempted unbiased reflection and observation, I have come to a conclusion for who will receive my vote for President of the United States of America. My vote goes to.........Barack Obama."

All attempts at humor aside, I would like to piggy back off my recent posts regarding my feelings as an educator in Ohio to discuss my opinions regarding my choice for our next president. It would be easy to blindly vote democrat since I am one. It would be easy to vote away from McCain since he is in the same party as Bush who I have not been comfortable with as our leader these past eight years. I didn't want to take the easy way. I didn't want to vote for Obama for what he is not but instead for what he is.

I recall a comment that was made to me recently. I was told it didn't make sense that I voted Democrat as a homeowner. Whaaa? Apparently there is only one factor I should take into account as I vote. But I don't vote this way. I could list a number different of reasons why I would like Obama in office. There are many sides to my life. But this post is going to remain focused on my reasons related to education, the profession in which I work. So remember there is more to my vote than just these reasons. I have particular views on the war and other foreign affairs, economy, gay marriage, taxes, etc.

I blogged recently about the importance of Fathers. The point was to put the spotlight on Dads, but it really is a parent thing as comoprozac so eloquently put in his comments. Obama has said, "The schools can't do it all by themselves. Parents have to parent." (OEA handout) What did he say? "Parents have to parent." THANK YOU!!! So how is this going to happen Mr. Obama? "Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help. If you don't know how to do it, call the teacher." YES! How ingenious is that? Remember how I said my students who had their Father's (or mothers) come in or call me were usually performing better? Many times the calls were asking what the heck I wanted on their homework! Should I take that as an insult? Does that mean they are less smart? Heck no. This is how learning takes place. Discussion and teamwork. Looks like Barack Obama gets that.

No Child Left Behind is underfunded and failing. As I blogged about before, it attempts to hold teachers to a higher standard but doesn't do so. Instead it fosters distrust and animosity. Obama plans to overhaul this legislation by providing the money needed to fund it properly, reduce the emphasis on standardized testing and make sure that any tests that are given better measure the individualized growth and readiness. (OEA handout)

My wife is now learning the "teach to the test" process that has infected our schools. Since test scores dictate success and failure, administrators are forced to push test prep to the point of losing touch with our greater purpose. Book companies and tutoring services are raking in the cash as each year we order sets of prep books to feed our kids almost constantly from January to the test if not the whole school year. We focus on how to answer test questions and what test vocabulary means and tricks of the trade. I guess we figure the next generation will be working jobs where they answer questions all day.

Lastly, he plans to raise teacher pay. Of course I like this one right? I am a teacher. But seriously, people do not want to teach. Current teachers, especially younger ones, leave teaching within their first 5 years for other career entirely. It is becoming an epidemic in Ohio. Schools are also cutting teacher positions left and right as well making it harder on those of us still here. Our class sizes continue to increase. This makes us less effective and more stressed. I am not sure how he is going to be able to do this when we can't pass a levy in central ohio to save our lives and districts are running deficits like crazy, but here's an idea.....close the charter school and voucher experiment! You could stop that war as well. If we have money to fund that, we can divert it to the public schools. We can fix a ton of the problems. Then, our prisons won't fill up and the need for the money to fund those will diminish so we can pay for others things too like helping the homeless and so on.

I live in an ideal world I guess and I anticipate numerous comments cutting holes in this. But like it or not, Brack Obama's statements have earned my vote. I end this with one last quotation that sums up how I have felt about the education system, "I want to lead a new era of mutual responsibility in education, one where we all come together for the sake of our children's success, an era where each of us does our part to make that success a reality-parents and teachers." (OEA handout)


Anonymous said...

This is excellent, Beau, and I totally agree. I also think Barack will have the moral authority to say things that others can't. And he is inspiring. NO CANDIDATE is perfect!!!

(Don't get me started on the Just How Stupid Are We?
question - the book is really good.)

You know how I feel about the teachers and the whole parental thing. The kids are the last ones I would ever hold responsible - they need their parents!!

Earlier today I have a sort of vision while watching TV and seeing footage of kids in school. It was almost as if my vision blurred and I felt like choking up because I thought of how much wealth this country has that it's putting into military things - and that means paying huge amounts to corrupt arms contractors - and NOT putting into raising and educating our children. It just breaks my heart.

I hope Barack gets elected AND that we get a solid majority in the Senate. It would be so great.

Huey said...
