Saturday, June 7, 2008

In my opinion....

I have stayed away from politics for the most part on this blog because I am quite ignorant about them. But I obviously have an opinion on many hot button issues of today so I am taking this opportunity to share with you my stance on some things and look forward to reading some comments that may support or disagree with my positions.

First of all, let me begin by stating that overall, I am rather moderate in my views I would think. I fall on the left on a number of issues but on the right on others. Many times my views have changed as I have grown up, entered different stages of life or experienced things to see them differently.

2008 Election:
I voted for Barack Obama in the Ohio primary. I am not a 100% backer of Obama though. I like Hillary Clinton as well. In fact, I even fell into that category of people that may lean democrat but liked McCain. I still prefer McCain over any of the other Republican candidates. But I as I have read more about McCain, I have become less comfortable with him.

So as of now, I would love to see a Obama/Clinton ticket. Here's why: I am a proponent of change and I think they will bring it. Things are really bad right now and have been for awhile. I can't tell you why or whose fault it is, but it's somebody's. So fresh blood needs to be infused.

I like the fact that they are really pumping changes in Healthcare. I am not knowledgeable enough regarding their ideas or how well they will go over in Congress and much of that, but something needs to be done and I feel there is a better chance something will be done to help the middle and lower class if they are elected. That is pretty much the running theme for me in most other issues: Which candidates will help the middle class most? I highly doubt Republican John McCain will.

Gay Marriage
I strongly have a problem with people's basic civil liberties being taken from them. I was under the impression that this country was founded on freedom. We obviously had issues with this for over a century and still do in terms of race. But it seems like we have been at least trying to move in the right direction over the past 50 years. It seemed like progress has been made with the feminist movement, civil rights and so on. So why take such a step backwards?

Also, I was under the impression that this country was founded on the freedom of religion and separation of church and state. I will respect a religion's view that homosexuality is wrong. While I disagree and will choose not to practice that religion, I will continue to respect that belief system unless it gets to the point of promoting the harming of gays as a result. These religions should therefore have the right to not recognize the union of same sex couples. But the government should not be making this decisions based on these religion's particular beliefs either. I understand many people like to use religion to drive morality but it gets very scary the more you do this. Religion has been used to oppress many people many times throughout history currently with the lack of gay rights and even in the before the civil war to justify slavery.

In a democracy it should be up to the people. And as it has been, the people of this hillbilly state have voted same sex unions down. So I can't say much except that my vote and opinion is for the freedom of same sex couples to be united and sharing in the benefits of traditional couples. Love is love. Both parties are able to aknowledge it and honor it, so I support it.

I feel as though there are people in our country that need assistance and the government should be responsible in part to provide them with it. As fellow citizens, we should chip in.

Even if we have a problem with giving our hard earned money to other people we have no "connection" with, it benefits us in the end as the overall quality of life will be better. I don't feel good when I see or hear about people living on the streets or unable to get medicine especially children. I don't like driving around run down areas. I don't like being a victim of crime because someone is desperate for money.

While I realize this can never be completely fixed and people get themselves in these predictaments much of the time and should get themselves out, there are legitimate situations where honest people need help. I, too, have a problem with people living off the system. I understand welfare, obviously, won't fix it. And I worry the system promotes laziness and feelings of self-entitlement, but we can eradicate this without ridding our fellow citizens of welfare all together. We just need to rethink it and do it right.

Death Penalty
Simply put: I am for it. I know it isn't a reliable deterent. I know it costs alot. I am also afraid of killing someone who didn't commit the crime. But when it comes to serial killers, rapists, mass murders and major criminals, they need to be removed from our society completely. They did it, so they should suffer the same consequences.

Toughest one for me. In my heart I am pro life. And in my life I choose to do everything I can to handle my situations in a prolife manner. But I see the other side clearly. The woman's body is the woman's body. There are situations when abortion unfortunately needs to happen. I think if we asked God what the correct stance on this one is, it would say something both sides would not want to hear. (Kathryn M. Huey circa 2005)

In my mind, the focus of both sides should be more on finding a way to prevent the reasons for abortion as much as we can in the first place. For example, wising up and providing birth control in schools. It won't promote more sex. New flash: Kids are already doing it. They have been for decades now. No sex until you are responsible enough to handle it is ideal and should be emphasized but let's be real, kids will aren't going to listen so prepare a back up plan.

If all the time in energy we spend fighting about what is right was spent on how we can avoid unwanted, unprepared pregnancies in the first place I think we could get so much closer to not needing abortions (except EXTREME conditions).

NCLB stinks. Holding teachers accountable is a good idea but this not the way to do it. Penalizing instead of rewarding isn't a successful tactic in this case. Education 101 could teach you that. Funding for schools in Ohio, at the very least, has been ruled uncontitutional several times and nothing is being done about it. More and more pressure is put on the teachers with less and less support. The students need people. Teachers need people. We are spinning our wheels in the mud changing the ways we teach every couple years and keep missing the point. The problems are coming in with the kids from the streets or homes. Teachers then have to deal with them directly or indirectly before they even start to teach. How do we solve this? PEOPLE! Resources IN THE SHOOLS. Social workers, nurses all day everyday, assistant principals, classroom aides beyond kindergarden and security.

Then as we teach, please let us teach fundamentals in the lower grades. Middle schools and high schools can teach the higher level conceptual stuff. They need the basics first and we are so worried about teaching higher level conepts in 2nd grade that they go to middle school without knowing math facts or parts of speech. We need to go back to the old school of contructivism.

My Solution to MANY of the issues and problems we have today
In addition to the issues I grazed over above, there are many other problems. I have a solution to most if not all of them. Birth control in the water. We can then control the population better. We are not taking the right to have children away at all. Adults with an income and steady job history, insurance, passing parenthood exam score and classes passed and no more than 3-5 children already in the household can apply for a parenting liscense each time they want a child. Then they can obtain the shot required to neutralize the birth control and have their child.

Listen, I know. This is far fetched and scary. I get that. I am bordering on fascism if not already there. But think about it. Think of how things would be.

Celtics or Lakers
Neither. Can't stand either of them. KG ticks me off. Kobe is a premadonna and lying cheat to his wife. Boston fan is the most annoying sports fan EVAAAAAAAAAA!! Forget them both!

So what would you call me? Liberal? Conservative? I never can tell.


Kathryn said...

Read all your posts and liked them a lot. I'll try and stick to just this one post though in my comments.

I tend to agree with you on most things (particularly the birth control in the water) but I just wanted to say one thing about abortion. I challenge you to look at it like you do gay marriage. With gay marriage you can respect that some religions see it as wrong and won't recognize it, but the state should stay out of it. With abortion, I can respect and understand an individual's view point that it is wrong and doesn't agree with it. But the state should stay out of it. In your heart you are pro life. Cool. I hope you and Vicky never have to make that decision, and hope Ally never finds herself in that sitution. But if you did, as a rabid pro-choicer, I respect your pro-life stance. Because you are making it for you. To me that is the entire point. Choice means you have the CHOICE to be pro-life. How awesome is that?

I say all this just to say that you don't have to feel like you are pro-abortion if you say you are pro-choice. Many people can be pro-choice and never once even consider having an aborition. That is why this issue is so heated. The two sides aren't even arguing the same issue!

Huey said...

Excellent point that I agree with and usually have stated in the past. You so articulately said what I always tried to say in the past to "justify" my pro choice stance. I want the government staying out of that choice as I do the gay marriage choice.

The difference here is that currently they are staying out of the abortion decision and not the same sex union decision.

Also, things differ in that I feel abortion is wrong in many cases and I do NOT feel same sex unions are wrong.

But my hypocricy comes in when I say abortion is wrong but am more likely to vote pro choice.

I am not sure I made that point clear. I think I debated different points in those two issues. In same sex unions I debated the legally more than the morality and abortion I debated the morality as opposed to the legailty. And that was partly due to the fact that one is legal (abortion) and the other is not (smae sex unions).

If we institute the crazy, extreme birth control idea I always joke about then the abortion issue may be moot.

comoprozac said... first comment didn't take.

You have to be really careful about that whole birth control in the water idea. Reproductive rights have to do with more than abortion.

There was a time (in this country) when doctors would abort the fetuses of or sterilize poor (esp. black) women simply b/c they deemed these women unfit to parent. The reproductive rights movement stemmed from these issues way before abortion was a hot political topic.

Supporting freedom, civil rights, whatever includes not limiting something like the right to raise a child to the elite.

Maybe the government should provide more services that make it possible for all parents to raise their children properly. Imagine if all parents earned a living wage, had cheap/free health care, and had plenty of maternity/paternity leave.

These ideas seem to jive more with your views on welfare and gay marriage than simply licensing the right to reproduce.

Speaking of welfare, I'm way less concerned with social welfare programs than I am corporate welfare. Our government continues to give tax breaks and economical incentives to rich corporations that outsource jobs or put very little back into our communities. To me, that's a way bigger problem than the people living off of food stamps and living in section 8 housing. In fact, we should be providing more services to help the poor out of their situations.

One more thing...What do you mean by "the old school of contructivism "? Constructivism is anything but old school.

Huey said...

All good points and I am more than willing to give in on my birth control thing if these services were in place and successful. I am just losing trust in people.

You must have caught me with the old school remark. I retract that erroneous sentence.

Huey said...

Let me add something comoprozac.

I am not proposing we take the right of reproduction away from anyone except irresponsible people and people who don't intend to have kids in the first place, the "oops" parents. Birthcontrol in the water just keeps the reproduction from happening until it is appropriate.

What about my right to have my money spent in the ways I deem fit? I am willing to contribute to the common good and I personally the common good includes responsible parenthood.

Again, I realize this is a ridiculous idea. There are other logistical issues as well. But I am using this to voice my frustration with my fellow citizens who constantly prove they are incapable to being trusted.

I am growing more angry in my age.

Kathryn said...

I think comoprozac brings up a good point about reproductive rights. I was actually thinking about that same point the other day after reflecting on what I wrote. While yes, Beau and I both intend on "birth contol in the water" as a means to stop "oops" parenting (and as an extreme point of view), it really does just lead down a slippery slope. Once the power to control is there who's to stop someone from pulling the lever based on whatever they feel is "qualified." Look at China - abortion is a form of birth control and you have to pay to have extra children. Baby girls are being killed or abandoned all the time. Not good.

The middle ground is, as always it seems, better education on this (and all) issue.