Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goals and Aspirations

I have used Goal Setting as an overall, year long theme in my classroom several times. It is good to teach students to set goals and work towards achieving them. It also creates a jumping point for discussing how and why hard work is mandatory in life. It provides numerous teachable moments throughout the year regarding these important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Finally, it gives me a structure to refer back to when trying to motivate the kids. I can use their own goals that they gave me to drive them to do what I want them to do.

So what goals and aspirations do I have for myself? Find a cure for cancer? Feed the hungry? Save the dying? Lead people?


I want to be a regular caller on the local AM radio sports talk shows. Yeah, lofty goals from a scrub like me I know, but this is what I aspire to be and you can't tell me I can't!

I bring this up because I called in today to Shark on Sports and made it on the radio again. I have done this numerous times in the past. Unfortunately the calls are so spread apart that nobody remembers "John from Hilliard." Also, sometimes I have used my nickname Beau. Other times I have said I am calling from Columbus. Lastly, I have called different shows. Most of the time my calls have been to Kirk Herbstreit's afternoon show on 1460 The Fan. He is always pretty cool. We got into one time when I called about the annoying fair weather Indians fans. He gave me plenty of love at the end though. It may have been patronizing, in fact I know it was, but whatever.

The best memory is when my friends are listening without my knowledge. One time I called about the Cavaliers and Bruce Hooley (who I never agree with) loved my take so much that I got two free rounds of golf. Instantly I got a text message from my buddy Ernie asking for first dibs in my pair.

But that is the best I got. I am officially setting my goal now. I want to call in enough to be "known." I think Shark on Sports is my best bet. He is cordial and attentive to the callers, lets us speak and has several regulars. Now, I need an identity that makes me memorable. I am open to suggestions. Should I be the crazy guy that says all kinds of inflammatory things to get people riled up? Should I be the "Cavs" guy that always calls in about the Cavs? Should I have some catchy nickname like "Buckeye Beau?" Should I always have a catastrophic negative attitude or over the top positive attitude?


Regardless, I am going to push to call more often and be "that guy." Don't laugh. That is gonna be me.


comoprozac said...

Before our local show left for STL, we had a regular caller called "Tiger Matt." It should have been more like "Jackass Matt," but whatever. My point is that you should go with a silly nickname.

What does V think of all this? You are treading in rather nerdy waters here.

Huey said...

V thinks it's cute. I take it as a rather condescending attitude towards me, but she seems to mean it harmlessly. As far as the nerdy thing....that was confirmed a LONG time ago. I have well established that with the wife and she has no problem with it. It is actually a common reference from her.

Whatever. I am proud of it.

Back tot the name though. I don't like Buckeye Beau. Too simplistic. I need something unique. And I need to be ready to have the hater following. But the more haters there are, the more that means I am making a splash. Pocket protector, taped glasses and all.