Monday, January 19, 2009

January 20th, 2009 For This White Man

The inauguration of President Barack Obama is a historic event without a doubt. It is a major event for this country in terms of its race relations. We are going to hear so much about what this means for African American men and women. We should hear it and continue to discuss it. As a thirty-something, straight, white male with a job and health insurance I can't even fathom what it means to African Americans throughout this country, nor will I try to act as though I do. But that doesn't mean this day means little to me.

This day means a good bit.

I look at this as a tremendously positive moment. I also look at this as a momentous opportunity. For my generation, positive moments that captivate and connect people at this magnitude have been rare if existent at all. The memorable moments for us, the moments that everyone around the country remembers where they were when these moments happened include the Space Shuttle disaster and the terrorist attacks on September 11th. These events either faded away after awhile or divided us even more down the road with the resulting wars in the middle east. We have also had the Rodney King beating leading to riots in L.A. and the O.J. Simpson trial which divided us by race.

I look back throughout our history and notice the negative events and issues past generations have also had to deal with like slavery, Civil War, Great Depression, two World Wars, the Civil Rights struggles and its set backs, segregation, Vietnam War and so on. I noticed great leaders rise from those events like F.D.R, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln. Even controversial leaders played their role like John Brown and Malcolm X. But who has my generation had? Ronald Reagan? Seriously?

While race is an important element to Obama's place in history and position in our country, I am looking to him as a leader of all people like Kennedy, Lincoln, King and the others. I am excited because I really believe he can lead us out of so much that is bad right now. There is no way he can fix everything or fix anything completely. I don't expect him to be a savior. And in the end it is us that will have to make the changes. But we can't and obviously won't without someone to lead us there.

This man can do that.

Whether it is mending the deep wounds that exist between blacks and whites and other groups, guiding us out of economic woes (which again will take US changing our lifestyles and living within or beneath our means for awhile), mending bridges with and earning back the respect of foreign countries, taking back a leadership presence in the world, improving education funding, or becoming more environmentally friendly, this inauguration of this man this day can begin to get us there.


comoprozac said...

I'm with you and I hope you're right.

Anonymous said...

We can get into debates about any of these topics.. economy, race, democrat, republican, health care, etc..

Regardless of how I feel about Obama (or the election, or Bush, or whatever else) I also hope you are right.. It would be refreshing to see a leader of that caliber during our generation. Unfortunately, to get to that level, a person needs to go against the political grain.. And past history shows that when people truly go against the grain, their lives are usually at risk.. look at the leaders you've pointed out.. Kennedy, Lincoln, King.. all assassinated.

Hopefully, Obama is not the standard "manufactured" politician that just acts according to popularity stats, and does go against the grain (which is a requirement for true, genuine change..change that's not just a campaign slogan).

His inaugural address was decent enough, but seemed very "safe". Not on the caliber of Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you....", or FDR's "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"...(even King's "I have a dream). I was a little disappointed that it was nothing more memorable... The door is open for him to go down in history with JFK, FDR, and King.. and the expectations are there.. Hopefully Obama was born for this role.. as those types of leaders held an intangible "quality" that couldn't be manufactured.


Mr. E. said...

Mike-Read this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Mr. E.. very true.. maybe those lines from JFK, King, FDR are famous because you hear those sound clips over and over.. Maybe there was more to Obama's speech then I realized.. Maybe I'm so desensitized to political speeches at this point... I'm at fault by now always take them with a grain of salt.

Huey said...

Yeah, I don't think it is fair to compare the speech that is barely a day old to specific lines from speeches that are etched in our memories.

Personally, I think he did a great job of referencing relevant and important times in our country's history that resemble our current times and demonstrating how there is hope based on our actions during those times. We have had a Great Depression, we have fought wars, we have dealt with slavery and civil rights and so on. While some of those hung around longer than others and we can debate that stuff, I think he made the point well that we can get out of these problems like we did those. And they weren't easy like this won't be easy.

Therefore, the speech served its purpose in my mind.

Can you guys clear up this Guitamino thing? Is he trying to release terrorists? I know I sound ignorant as hell, but help me out here. Why is he closing it and what is he going to do exactly?

comoprozac said...

Obama is trying to move the detainees at Gitmo onto US soil. This will allow them to due process of the law and prevent torturing. The biggest problem is that they have to find facilities for them.

Anonymous said...


I think you are selling Reagan short. I think he is generally viewed by most moderate folks as the best president of our generation.

He ended the cold war, and brought us out of a much worse time than our current "depression", i.e. 70s inflation and recession courtesy of the great Carter presidency?
I have read that it was believed that during his second term he started showing signs of Alzheimer's. What does that say about the presidency? One of the better presidents may have not had all of his wits about him.

Obama has a chance to be a defining figure. However, I do not think he has the best situation for success. I hope he succeeds for our country, but only time will tell. I do have serious concerns about all of this spending, but this is his to own now.

Huey said...

Good points about Reagan, Kevin, but where any of those "defining" moments? At the same time, does it matter if there was a one moment sticking out or not?

Plus, there was some talk of similarities between Obama and Reagan if I heard correctly. Interesting.

Yes, Obama is in a bad place. I hope people who are bitter about him in there don't automatically label him a failure as a result of the mess he has inherited or if he doesn't solve everything perfectly.

I'll say it again, it is going to come down to US fixing this too. Correct me if I am wrong but we need to start paying off debt. Those of us who can need to continue consumer spending at the same time somehow to keep things going. Banks need to give loans.