Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something Just Ain't Right

Lately I have been obsessing over the prospects of 2012 bringing the apocalypse. I understand the end of the Mayan calendar and the ancient calendar in Japan are really just resets of something we arbitrarily started. I know people have been predicting the end of the world countless times in the past without anything happening. I know Y2K was supposed to be a big deal and wasn't. I also have become aware that Nostradamus was wrong many more times than he was right. He also predicted events to happen past 2012 which would lend one to believe that life will go on past that year.


I can't get my mind off the scientific aspects. The fact that the earth will reach the galactic equator at the same time the Earth ends its 26,000 year wobble and the polar shift is to take place. There is this little thing regarding an asteroid that will barely miss us as well. Beneath Yosemite, there is a major development that could take out all of North America. But even if all of this is speculation, there are weird things going on that make me think things are off.

For instance, it is January 4th and I am still hearing and seeing birds outside. They are supposed to have migrated south. We had cold days this year. What are they still doing here? I remember winter being deathly silent outside. One of my favorite parts of Spring was the return of birds chirping.

The bees are missing. I have been hearing about this for awhile and it scares me. I can't remember who it was, maybe Walt Whitman, but I heard someone say once the bees are gone man will be 7 years from extinction themselves. I believe it. We count on bees to pollinate flowers and contribute to the cycle of life. Nobody knows where the bees are going. Dead bees are not poppin up. Nobody is noticing increased population of bees somewhere else from what I understand. They are just gone.

And let's not forget about the polar bears! And the ice caps around them! The destruction of the rain forests! Aren't we going to eventually run out of trees? Overpopulation?!

Weather is weird. It is snowing three inches in Las Vegas. Hurricanes are lining up in the gulf. There are tsunamis more often than I remember. It is 60 degrees in the winter more often than when I was a kid. The seasons seem to have shifted. It is cold through May here in Ohio but stays warm until late December. It used to snow in October when I grew up.

Maybe some of this is perspective. I grew up in Cleveland and I now live in Columbus. It may not seem like a big difference in geography but it actually is in terms of snow. Lake Erie creates more snow up there than there is down here in Columbus. The media is so much more comprehensive nowadays and may be reporting things more often and more thoroughly than they did when I was younger. I have no data to prove there are more or less hurricanes or earthquakes or tsunamis than there where in my youth.

One good thing that has come from this is an elevated concern in the destruction we are doing to the environment. I have made it a point to recycle more. I need to do more. We all need to do more. The amount of oil and plastic we use is scary and these things are killing us. I am not sure where to begin. I still use both a ton. We all do. We aren't going to stop anytime soon.

Regardless of whether my fear of 2012 is valid or not, everybody needs to start doing more, a lot more, to move in a more ecofriendly direction. What is the solution?

New sources of energy? Easier recycling services? Less pollution? How?

Help me!

Another theory out there is that these developments with the poles and the galactic equator will create a higher vibration which will change the energy we all contribute to and take from leading to a new step in our evolution. These people feel there will be an age of enlightenment. I recall reading similar things in "Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. Although this book is fiction, it speaks about a Peruvian manuscript that prophesies a global social movement to take place in the early 21st century. The book also speaks of vibrations in the energy that we share which result in advancements in our evolution...or in other words, an enlightenment. Maybe this is the "green" movement we seem to be witnessing and need to follow through with in order to avoid the self-destruction we have contributed to over the last century.


Anonymous said...

John-You have just too much stuff on your mind!!!! You are so deep!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I contacted a friend who works for NASA about the polar shift thing, and she's looking into it. (She's a scientist, so the fact that she's unaware of it says something about its credibility.)

YES, do everything you can to be green. That's what I'm working on in my job, because it's a spiritual thing.

Every age thinks it's the last. In any case, this is a spiritual question for you.


Anonymous said...

On the bird thing... not all birds go south for the winter.

I'm excited to hear what your mom's NASA friend says. You've also peaked my interest about this 2012 thing. It's interesting stuff.

comoprozac said...

Do what you can to make the world a better place, but don't spend your days obsessing over its demise.

Besides, the Buckeyes play tonight.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the magnetic polar shifting.. haven't heard that, but I'm sure it will eventually happen. I've heard the about the "super volcano" under Yosemite. I've heard that bees are losing there sense of direction from the interference being generated from all the the radio / cell phone towers.. and they just can't find their way back to their hives.. But also remember.. Death and Destruction sells and media may over exaggerate on some things.. How about the "Avian Flu" virus? That was so big the last two years, we actually were required to create emergency flu pandemic plans at work.. You don't hear anything about that threat this winter..

I think the threat of a global natural disaster would would be close to nill over the next couple hundred or thousand years baring a nuclear war.. Some things are very real.. a huge earth quake in Calf. I'm sure will happen, global warming will adjust the surface of the earth within 60 or 70 years. The Y2K threat was very real, just companies / governments handled the situation very responsibly.


Unknown said...

It's Armageddon week on the History Channel !!

Whether or not 2012 is the end, I think that more and more people will start to worry about it. Mom - it could be good to be in the religion business in 2011 and 2012.

Huey said...

Check out this site to ease our minds: