Tuesday, December 30, 2008


2008 is coming to a close. Naturally we look ahead to 2009. I look ahead to a year of growth. I don't want to get caught up in "New Year's Resolutions" that are destined to fail and make me feel like a failure. But I have several things we can call goals that I would like to set and work on. Last year I said I wanted to read more. I didn't set an amount or a regiment, I just wanted to make a generalized effort to read more. I did. I plan to do the same this year with these 5 goals.

1)Drink more water..... I don't have a set amount or schedule set up for this. I just want to drink more water. I have already incorporated this and it has led to multiple restroom visits in the middle of the night so I need to modify it a bit. For instance, I should keep most of the water consumption earlier in the day.

2)Quit agreeing with my brother....Prior to this season for the Cavs, we both concurred that the Cavs season could go the way of Daniel "Boobie" Gibson. We felt as though he brought energy and shoots well from long range which would stretch defenses. So far this year, Boobie has stunk it up but the Cavs have dominated and none of it has anything to do with Gibson at all. He has been a non factor. We were dead wrong. So no more crazy predictions from me the bro.

3)Be more positive......yeah, right. I say this every two months and never follow through. See? There's that old reliable negative thinking of mine. There's a couple things in the world you can count on...Cleveland sports choking or self-destructing and my negativity. But we are going to try this again. I am going to try to be more positive.

4)Say No....I plan to work on saying no more often and standing up for myself respectfully. I have plenty of anger to work on. I want to take it out on others. But I would like to do that in a calm, reasonable manner. I don't plan to insult and fight people, but I plan to say something when they bother me.

5)Exercise again....I had a good rhythm going earlier this year and stopped after we packed up the treadmill. With the sale of the house on hold, I plan to get back into the regular exercise routine.

So these are my 5 goals. They may change. They may not be accomplished. But they will give me direction to grow in 2009.


comoprozac said...

I hope you see the irony in placing numbers 3 and 4 back-to-back.

Anonymous said...

And Mom adds one more: how about taking your vitamins every day? A little thing, but it means a lot. At least to Mom. :)