Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Finally, A Sports Blog

My Buckeyes lost again in the BCS Championship. I guess that's a good thing. The fact that they were in it two seasons in a row. But both humiliating losses just uel the nationwide disrespect toward Buckeye Nation.

As we speak cries of "Suckeyes" and "Luckeyes" are resounding around sportsbars, living rooms and radio sportstalk. Admitedly our fanbase is quite large and obnoxious creating this overwhelming backlash of spiteful, bitter venom, but I'm tired of hearing it.

I'd rather be hated out of jealousy because we keep winning titles or go undefeated like the Pats instead of disrespect because we are overrated and a joke.

1 comment:

comoprozac said...

Mike & Mike said some interesting things this morning about OSU should not be slighted at all. I'll post about it soon. Second is not first loser.