Saturday, January 5, 2008

Best and Worst Day of Your Life (Old Blog Reposted)

I hope there is a God who is omnipotent and will listen to and answer a billion questions I have when I die. I want to know all kinds of things.

I would love to know the truth from all the times I was lied to or thought wrongly of something or somebody was wrong about something and I believed them. I would like the know what certain historical and personal events were REALLY like. I would love to know why alot of things happened or how they happened. I would love to know how things work like computers because I'l never have the patience to figure them out in my lifetime. I would like to see how dinosaurs really looked. I would like to know the answers to different scientific things like evolution. Yes, evolution....even God knows there was no Adam and Eve, it's just a story. But I guess I don't really know so I would like to know the truth about this adam and eve thing. Which leads me to asking it the definitive answers to moral questions or solutions to moral problems.

But I also would like to take a personal inventory. Like what day was the best day of my life? The worst? Why? Would it be a big day like the birth of my child? Graduated? Got a job? Or would it be a common day where everything went right? Or a day that seemed normal but ended up being really significant? Like the day I met Aaron Stratman who I eventually befriended and which led me to a friendship with Norman through whom I have met so many friends and shared so many enjoyable experiences. Would that day be the best day of my life since it was the genesis of so much good in my life?


Michelle F. said...

Hi John!
I don't have much time now to comment on your blogs, but I will soon, I promise. But, I have to agree- meeting Norman makes for a pretty good day in the grand scheme of life! He's one of the best friends I've ever had and has introduced me to many great people-including you! ; )
All for now,

Huey said...

Word. Right back atcha!

Sven said...

Interesting that we get so caught up in the how and why of things... I think it gives us a sense of calm to think that there are answers to every question.

Does every question have an answer? I'm not so sure...

Huey said...

You are probably right, there aren't answers to every question. But the search for answers can be fun....