Friday, September 12, 2008

C'mon Right!

I am watching more and more of the election news and listening to people from the right give their praise to Sarah Palin. I listen to my conservative friends and hear she "kicks ass."

Fine. I understand not everyone can be as enlightened as myself. cough cough. Seriously, as unenlightened as I may be I still respect other people's opinion. These are my friends after all so they must have some redeeming qualities. But where I have issues (and according to my wife I have many with many people) is the hypocrisy I am discovering within these people.

These same friends would tear Hillary Clinton apart in discussions I had with them during the primaries. At the time I was on the fence between Hillary and Obama. At the time I was even considering McCain. It was early. So I found myself defending Hillary by, at the very least, default if not for my support of her. The ridiculous reasons I heard to not vote for her blew my mind. They were so blatantly sexist and ignorance I could only gape in disbelief at my friends as they continued on in complete seriousness.

The reasons were shallow and unrelated to any issues or stances she took on these issues. I didn't hear they felt universal health care didn't work because it hasn't worked elsewhere. I'll listen to you if come with this opinion. They didn't say they had a problem with her stance on Roe v. Wade and so they didn't want to support her for that reason. I would even listen to that. This is not the fact that I won't listen to and respect differing opinions of my own. This is about how ignorant and stupid people can be just looking for reasons to not vote for someone as opposed to looking for reasons to vote for their opponent. There is no credibility in saying you can't trust someone because they are more prone to make decisions based on emotion or a biological cycle.

So now here we are at this new point in the election where McCain has obviously picked a running mate to play off this very point of discussion. Sarah Palin is nothing more than a ploy to get women voters. Now I am hearing all this noise from the right and my conservative peers that she "kicks ass" and the whole emotional, biological cycle thing suddenly does not matter. Somehow her lack of experience in the federal government or in a locality with any substantial number of constituents is OK despite the loud rants that Obama's senate experience is a problem. I admit I, too, have been a bit worried about Obama's minimal track record but how is Palin's OK? She has done even less than him?!

So what's the deal right? Is Obama's record too light or not? Are women OK to handle office or not? Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways. You are being hypocritical if you were against Hillary and suddenly love Palin. You are contradicting yourself if you list Obama's track record as a problem but support the Palin choice. If you love that Republican ticket then take back what you said about Hillary. If you support the Republican ticket then find another reason why Obama wouldn't be a good choice...or better yet find a different reason why your choice is better than the Democratic ticket. And don't pull that Muslim, terrorist, he is black card. Be real.

I say that the conservatives had their chance. Go ahead and stay home this November. Let those of us tired of this crap we have dealt with the past eight years go out and vote for you. I bet we get it right. Things cannot remain like this for much longer. This country is in bad shape for those of us making under $200,000. We need a change. We do not need someone who voted WITH the current administration 90% of the time. 10% change isn't enough to fix things. That's an F last I checked.

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