Monday, May 4, 2009

Living Funeral

Isn't it depressing that a funeral attracts so many people that love and care about the deceased but the deceased isn't there to enjoy their company?

Wouldn't it be nice to have all of those people together at one time while you are alive to enjoy their company?

As I thought about this, I wondered why we don't have more formal or traditional celebrations to invite every one of our loved ones and friends?

There are events when this happens like weddings, graduations and birthdays. But even during these events, the attention is on the specific reason for the event. In my case, the only reason would be time with people you care about and who care about you.

I guess it would be rather narcissistic and egocentric. It is difficult to find time and many friends have busy enough schedules that they couldn't break away just for some celebration for the sake of celebration.

But what if we, as a culture, made it a point to make celebrations like this acceptable. If everybody understood that these were to bring people together before they died and enjoy the relationships and the love and care within these relationships regardless of how serious or close the relationship is, then maybe it wouldn't seem too vain. Despite the fact that the party centers around one person, the fact that it is to share in the energy we all give each other, it would be seen as something more than a selfish excuse for attention.

Even though someone may coordinate the celebration around their numerous circles of friends, many circles overlap. Friends would have other friends there. Therefore, being invited is beneficial to the invited as well as the inviting because they are sharing in this positive energy created by the celebration.

The format wouldn't need to mimic that of a funeral. It could be anything the inviting person wants it to be according to their preferences. I keep envisioning a wedding reception type of deal. Food, music, spirits, dancing, lots of pictures and some speeches or something. I also picture some sort of sports game playing on the screen in the background, maybe some arcade type games going on or other forms of entertainment.

Why wait for your death to pay respects? Why not enjoy the thoughts and concern or care of your friends and loved ones while you are alive?


comoprozac said...

Um, just throw yourself a party.

Huey said...

So simple. I know, but why don't we do that regularly? There always has to be a "reason." You know? Of course, there never was back in college and we threw parties all the time. Maybe that's what I'm getting at. Why do we suddenly have to stop that when we grow up? Jobs, kids and old age I guess.

Mike T said...

Hmmm.. not to stir up a life-after-death argument.. I would hope to think you do actually attend your own funeral.. What better opportunity would there be to really reflect on your life, see who shows up.. and what comments are really said during side conversations..


Huey said...

Yeah, that would be interesting to get the true vibe of what others think wouldn't it?

Assuming you beleive that is how the afterlife works.