Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bloody Pillowcases

Twice in the past month or so I have come to find blood stains on my pillow case. How they originated is a mystery. My wife is disgusted and livid that I am ruining bed sheets with these stains. We both want to know where they are coming from.

Never before have I experienced this. Could it be bleeding gums? I was just in to see the dentist and she gave me a clean bill of health. My gums look fine according to a professional. I am not spitting blood when I brush my teeth either.

I have no facial cuts to leak blood on my pillow and sheet. So that is out. What on this side of the pillow is going on?

Are those reptilians I spoke of in my 2012 apocalypse post for real and messing with me at night?

Let me add this anecdote. During this same period I have had some very scary dreams. I would think they could qualify as bona fide nightmares. They are too graphic for this blog. I know for a fact they are results of my anxiety. If I didn't, it would be a clue that they are a result of too much anxiety by the fact that I am not writing about them out of the fear that if I make them public, they will come true. I think this despite the fact that they are so over the top ridiculous that it would be humanly impossible to do so. In my dreams the setting, characters and events usually don't match. For example, I may have a dream about teaching but it would be in a hospital and my aunts and uncles would be my students. That would never happen.

Despite this, I refuse to publicly display my dreams out of fear that they would play out in my life. But I have confided in my wife. I have told her about two of the dreams. There have been plenty more but they haven't stuck in my memory like the two I revealed to her.

So armed with this knowledge and her observations, we both sought out to discuss why I am waking up with blood stained pillow cases and sheets.

We have determined that I am biting my lips so hard at night during these horrifying nightmares that they are starting to bleed. She did notice they were bleeding slightly during the day at one point during this period of bloody sheets.

It all makes sense but it is still a hypothesis....until I catch those darned Reptilians from the fourth dimension sitting on my chest at night.


comoprozac said...

Wear a mouthpiece like a football player or something. Oh, and have a special pillow case for your pillow that can be stained.

Huey said...

Oh no I gotta be one of those people....

I should go with my Empire Strikes Back pillow case that I had as a kid and still secretly have packed away. The wife would LOVE that.

Anonymous said...

FYI... They started selling the old blue Starwars bed sheets we all had back in the 80's, at Pottery Barn Kids.. My son received a set for Christmas.. and it's the exact same print.
