Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That

I have a couple thoughts on my mind that wouldn't be able to hold a whole post but all together just might.

Kentucky Derby
I've been hearing a good bit of negative talk on local sports radio regarding the Derby. It has been called over hyped, outdated and overrated.

I tend to disagree.

In fact I would go so far as to say that the Derby is a premier sporting event each year.

Having been to the Derby, I draw upon firsthand knowledge of the build up and excitement of the race.

In addition, the gambling component makes it all the more interesting just like the brackets do for the NCAA basketball tournament.

While I understand people don't want to wait around all day for a two minute race, those two minutes are crazy and intense. I love it.

Room 12: Candy Or No Candy
My oldest had a school carnival, for lack of a better word, today where families could join their kids for three hours of home made games and contests for prizes, snacks in the cafeteria and karaoke in the gym. It is a fundraiser for the school.

My daughter loved every minute of the opportunity to show off her rooms, relationships with the staff and her friends.

My favorite part was when she walked in her classroom to show me (like I've never stepped foot in that room over the 330 some days she has attended that school) and stumbled upon a "Deal or No Deal" style of game involving bags of candy.

I was worried the concept of the game would be way over her head. While I think it was, she was able to pull it off since the only task was to pick a numbered bag.

Her enthusiasm was contagious. She was cheering and getting excited EVERY time she picked one. And she picked them in numerical order too. No real strategy involved whatsoever.

In the end she won the maximum prize (20 pieces of candy that she will not even touch or remember she has as early as that night) and the volunteers, spectators and fellow contestants were all high fiving her, cheering, and smiling like they won with her.

It was a cute moment.

Thought of the Day
This may be something that is unique to me but I figure if I do it, there is a high probability that others do it too even if they don't realize it.

I find it interesting that when I want something or someone, I focus on all the good things about it or the reasons it would be good and overlook the negative. Like when I've first started dating someone that I'm deeply infatuated with, I always focus on how great she is and what a perfect couple we would make and all the things we have in common and how well we would fit together.

At the same time, I overlook and shortcomings either of us bring to the table or aspects of the possible relationship that wouldn't work. At the very least I minimize them if not ignore them.

The same goes for objects like houses or other things like jobs.

But when I have someone or something, I begin to overlook or take for granted those same positive attributes I emphasized earlier and focus on the problems or the flaws.

I suppose it is a basic element of human nature. We all take things for granted. The grass is always greener. We need to appreciate what we have when we have it. Yadda yadda yadda.

I just found it interesting as this thought struck me driving in my car earlier today, that I can look at the very same thing from two totally different perspectives.

Side Note
My wife is rocking an Early Empire shirt from our friends' band back in the day. In the paraphrased words of Will Smith, "She makes that shirt look good!"

The Huey Karma Revisited
I feel I need to revisit the theory of the "Huey Karma."

Much like Murphy's Law, the Huey Karma states that any time I get excited or hopeful for something to happen, it doesn't. Often, not only does it NOT happen but it blows up in my face in heartbreaking fashion.

I usually attribute this to sports, but it applies through my whole life. Many of the positive things that have happened to me were unexpected. Therefore, I never had a chance to ruin them before they could take place by putting any sort of anticipatory (is that a word spell check?) energy into them. I did not anticipate then and look forward to them.

So now as the Cavs approach the second round of the 2010 playoffs, I refuse to allow myself to look past the present. I will not fall for any reason to believe they have any sort of shot in hell to make it past the next game in front of them.

This behavior brings about a good bit of backlash from friends of mine who don't understand, or even worse, understand but refuse to buy in. But it is OK. It is a sacrifice I must make. If that is the cost of my team winning, I'll pay it.

I have been able to get one person to see the light and join my army in this war against the sports gods. He may be the only one, but our army of two is fighting the good fight.

And we won't give up. We'll never give up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, sounds like a bunch of jerks. Keep your negativity to yourselves man!