Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ten Songs I'm Digging Right Now

I usually go through phases with my listening preferences. Sometimes it may be a particular genre that I am regularly in the mood for and others it is a set of songs. My love for making different playlists on my iPod stems all the way back to high school when I, like many of you out there I am sure, made mixed tape after mixed tape for exercising, chilling, partying or for some girls.

So I thought I would share with you ten of the songs that have been in heavy rotation of late. Granted, there are more than ten. I counted twenty-seven to be exact. But I feel ten would be more concise and interesting. So I picked out ten songs across genres to attempt to show my diverse tastes. That means these are NOT necessarily a top ten list. Just ten songs.

But after the ten were selected, the order in which I present them IS in a sort of descending order. Of these ten, one is my favorite (right now anyway) and two is my second and so on. But these are not indicative of my favorite songs in general.


10) Number 1 In Deutschland Hanzel Und Gretyl

9) To Kill A Mockingbird Elmer Bernstein
My brother introduced this beautiful song (maybe score?) to me when we were in Alabama for our grandmother's funeral and it moved me. I loved thinking back to my time with my grandmother as this soft music was in the background. Later that summer when my wife and I dealt with our loss, I found myself returning to this song in my time of solitary mourning. One would think I would dislike a song attached to such depressing events, but I really cherish it deeply. I am glad my brother discovered this and shared it with us.

8) Microphone Fiend Eric B. and Rakim
I couldn't get this for the blog but you can check out the video at this url:

Classic rap song. "Nuff said as they like to say. Or liked to say back in the day.

7) Folsom County Blues Johnny Cash
I never thought of myself as a country music guy. In fact, I usually can't stand country. But "The Man in Black" is different. I dig a number of his songs like "Walk the Line" and "Ring of Fire" and "A Boy Named Sue." Right FCBs is the one I find myself singing along to. You can thank Social D for this. Their cover of "Ring of Fire" on their live album "At The Roxy" is what caught my ear and directed me in the direction of Mr. Cash. It was all downhill after that.

6) Drive The Cars
I love the Cars. Right now this song is the one I dig most from them and find myself listening to often.

5) Bullet Frank Black and the Catholics
Heard this song on CD101 in Columbus a ways back and really liked it. Bought it on iTunes and listen to it regularly. This is a home made video of the song, but it works.

4)In The Clouds Under the Influence of Giants
Again, I heard this updeat song on CD101 and couldn't help but move with it. Now my wife has caught on and finds herself enjoying it as well. So now it has become one of "our songs." If the poor thing wasn't so uncomfortable carrying around the littlest one we may actually dance to it too.

Here is a link to the video of this fun song:

3) Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress The Hollies
Of course I am jamming to a song by The Hollies. I love these guys.

2) L.E.S. Artistes Santogold
She recently lost a lawsuit over the spelling of her name so it may be Santigold now.

1) History Stranglers The Bronx
My buddy out in L.A. suggested this band and sent me the video back when I requested music suggestions (a la my sister-in-law) and I jumped on it. This song in particular strucvk my fancy. Good rock! And the video is pretty sweet. (Caution: There is some pretty strong language used in this song....that's for mom.)


Unknown said...

You wanna know what's in my current rotation?

Henry the Octopus
Abby's Alphabet Soup
Jack's Big Music Show

Huey said...

Henry the Octopus lives down in the deep blue sea.

Henry the Octopus he's a friend to you and me.

Oh yeah. I get that. I was half tempted to put Fruit Salad in my list seriously,but she has moved on from the Wiggles and we currently listen to OSU Marching band or Bon Jovi or Oldies that she likes.

Fatherhood Fever! Catch it!