Sunday, May 13, 2012

Adam and Eve, Kris Humphries, Hair Curlers, Baseball Equipment, Job Interviews, Women

Have had a jing bang mess of things on my mind of late.  I would like to share them with you.

Adam and Eve
So if we are to believe in the Bible, Genesis in particular (oh if only I meant Phil Collins), and go with this story of Adam and Eve as the start of the human population.....then that means we are all products of incest.

That would actually explain a lot, wouldn't it?

President Obama and Gay Marriage
After North Carolina voters decided they did not want to join the 21st century and voted for marriage NOT to be based  totally in love and devotion but by physical anatomy, President Obama came out (uhhhhh...) and make a public announcement that he supported gay marriage to the cheers of the gay communities and many liberals around the country.

In the end, I am not so sure what I think of this in and of itself being an election year and I still vividly recall a Presidential debate last time around in which he sidestepped the issue with the cop out claim that he personally felt it was to be between a man and a woman although the law shouldn't make a distinction.  Going off memory here means I could be incorrect, but my point is that I can't help but be skeptical about this and its timing.

What bothers me is that this is STILL an issue. I STILL have to hear how gay marriage somehow "threatens" an institution that is already on life support.

Over half of straight marriages don't carry out what marriage is meant to be: a lifelong commitment.

I have lost count of how many marriages I, alone, have witnessed that have ended or have had extra marital affairs and I am not even 40!

It is pathetic.

The same people that devoutly "defend" marriage from those "aggressive" gays, flock to watch  Kris Humphries of the New Jersey Nets and his sham of a marriage to some woman in Los Angeles on TV.

Kim something or other?  I hear she is pretty popular with the kids.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez is on marriage 17 or whatever and everyone loves her.  Magazine covers are filled with her pretty face.

Kids are growing up seeing this and are desensitized to the idea of broken marriages.

Marriages have become disposable.  An excuse to get dressed up, have a party, maybe have a kid.

Yet gays are the threat.

No homosexual I know is looking to take anything away from those of us and our holy straight marriages.  It isn't one or the other.  Gays won't take over the world.

But heaven forbid!

Hair Curlers
The other day on my drive into work, I saw a woman in hair curlers in the car next to me.  This was the 5th time within a week I saw a woman doing something to "get ready" in the car, on her way somewhere.

I realize this is common, but it was weird that I witnessed it so many times in a short period of time because I usually don't.

Most odd to me was the hair curlers.  I never see that. My wife doesn't use curlers in her hair. So while I am used to seeing the whole make up prep and flat hair thing, curlers are something I don't see often anymore.

So is it something women do and I am not privy to it, or has it gone out of style?

Token Politics
Say what you want, all legitimate reasons aside, but I can't bring myself to vote for a dude named after a baseball glove.

I'm sure there is a joke somewhere in there but I can't think of it.

Oh yeah and until I see a birth certificate......

Job Interviews
I have had two job interviews in front of panels.  I was offered and accepted positions after both.

To this day, I find myself still trying to live up to the resume I sent and the answers I gave to the their questions.

I still feel this internal pressure to prove myself to those people.  I doubt they even care anymore or remember what I said, but I haven't and I don't like the idea that they may regret selecting me over the other candidates because I didn't live up to the "hype."

One of the people who interviewed me at my current job was with me at a professional development last week and made a comment that it felt like I had been teaching there longer than two years.  He said he meant it as a good thing.  He meant that I have fit in so well that the comfort level is more than one would expect after only two years.

I will take that as some validation.

It doesn't exactly relate to the answers I gave or career highlights laid out on a piece of paper, but it probably means the guy doesn't think it was a total mistake hiring me.

War on Women
Seems like every topic in the media today has to be a "war" on something.

We have the "War on Traditional Marriage." As I already stated, this is a freaking joke. To be at war, you have to attack something and gays are not attacking anybody.  They aren't looking to take anything from anybody, but to have the same pursuit of happiness that straight couples have.

Marriage isn't a club where you can post a sign on your door for your little sister, "No Girls Allowed."

Come on, we're adults here.

But this isn't my point.

The media also likes to throw out headlines about this "War on Women."

I bring this up because this time of year I find myself reflecting on 2008 when I lost my grandmother in May and then my baby girl, Mallory, in June before she was born.

It was a unique situation because we knew we were going to lose her before we did.

It was extremely difficult.

The experience challenged my prior ideas of abortion.  But it wasn't black and white and it didn't give me any answers.  If anything, it muddied the water even more.

Was it a baby at that time? Is that life? Did she have a soul? Should I have grieved as I did or was I being over dramatic?

For the record, I am not a Bible guy.  I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I prefer free thinking based on multiple resources, logic and reason.  So my approach throughout this was to examine what I believed in my heart and soul.

This experience, the decisions we had to make, the medical procedure that was done after she passed, the emotional roller coaster, opened my eyes that people on the outside have no business telling others how to handle this stuff.

Our experience was unique. I wish there were zero abortions.  But to be be 100% pro life when the whole issue is such a diverse, complicated myriad of situations, is short sighted in my opinion.

And to demonize birth control is not right. I personally find it contradicting and extreme to categorize it as abortion itself.

But people who have little to no experience will make the decisions for the rest of us I guess.

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