What was once named "Huey" because it was a blog about me and my experiences to share with anyone interested, is now "A Diary Of Lost In Between."
It comes from a song called, "Knifeman" by The Bronx. The lyric is technically, "this is a diary of life in between," but I didn't want to totally rip them off. Plus, "lost" gives it a feeling of the unknown which is the direction I wanted to go in.
It comes from a song called, "Knifeman" by The Bronx. The lyric is technically, "this is a diary of life in between," but I didn't want to totally rip them off. Plus, "lost" gives it a feeling of the unknown which is the direction I wanted to go in.
It still may be about Huey, but the essence of the blog, "Huey," is the idea that I'm "lost in between." And the blog is about being there...in between. Lost. Not really knowing.
So while I continue to post about the questions I constantly ask myself, it will become obvious that I am not sure where it is I stand on much of anything and often change.
The best part, in my opinion, is that those of you who know me may even disagree with this title. I may be more aware of where I am than the majority of you. Sometimes I feel this is the case. And this is the not so hidden objective of the blog: to get you to think of your opinion and stance and hopefully spark dialogue either on this forum or, as it usually goes, face to face when we interact together.
Or don't.
But I hope you tell me either way.